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Big Brother Tsunami? // Why Did the Pentagon Wake Up 56 Million IP Addresses?

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On the day Joe Biden was inaugurated, a relatively unknown IT contracting firm, Global Resource Systems LLC, quietly took over the management of 56 million IP addresses for the Pentagon. This number later increased to 175 million, nearly 6% of the internet. This move has raised eyebrows and sparked speculation about the Pentagon’s intentions, especially considering the company’s need for a track record with the Pentagon.

The Importance of IP Addresses

IP addresses are akin to phone numbers or physical addresses for devices connected to the internet. With the creation of the internet, we have exhausted all possible number combinations or addresses for computers and devices in the old format called IPv4. To address this, we created IPv6, like adding a new area code to an already crowded city whose old phone number area codes have been taken as more people got phones.

The Mysterious Company

Global Resource Systems LLC operates out of a small office in a Florida business park and has no previous track record with the Pentagon. It is run by a man who has had more minor contracts with the Pentagon in the past. The Pentagon stated that the company’s role is to kick squatters off these IP addresses—people who started using the IP addresses for free because the Pentagon wasn’t using them, and the old IPv4 addresses are pretty full. It is common for people and even large telecom companies to squat these addresses, but the awakening of so many of them is suspect.

Speculations on Mass Surveillance

Privacy advocates who monitor government internet usage speculate that the Pentagon might activate these IP addresses for an upcoming surveillance mass installation as 5G gets online nationwide. They suspect these IP addresses will be used in a nationwide mass surveillance boom, adding more cameras and other privacy invasion measures nationwide. This speculation is fueled by concerns that the U.S. might look at China’s mass surveillance society as a model for a possible upcoming American Big Brother dystopia scenario as 5G becomes commonplace nationwide.

The Societal Cost

Downloading cat videos faster may come with a huge societal cost. The U.S. government has a history of taking power from the American people to “protect us” and not giving it back once the threat has subsided. We will have to wait to see what this mysterious company is up to, but until then, it is in our best interest to keep a watchful eye on further developments.

A relatively unknown company’s quiet takeover of a significant portion of the internet raises many questions and concerns. While the Pentagon claims that the move is to kick squatters off these IP addresses, privacy advocates suspect a more sinister motive related to mass surveillance. As 5G becomes more widespread, we must remain vigilant and monitor the situation closely to ensure our privacy is not compromised

Big Brother

RARE VIDEO: 1987 DC Hearing – NBC Warns Against Removing Fairness Doctrine – Learn Why It Matters




The Fairness Doctrine: The FCC’s Elimination and Its Impact on Modern Media


The Fairness Doctrine, once a cornerstone of American broadcast regulation, was a policy established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1949. Designed to ensure that broadcasters presented controversial issues of public importance in an honest, equitable, and balanced manner, the Doctrine aimed to foster diverse viewpoints and prevent any single perspective from dominating the airwaves. However, its elimination in 1987 has had profound implications for the modern media landscape. This blog post explores the history of the Fairness Doctrine, its significance, and the detrimental effects of its repeal on today’s media environment.


Origins and Purpose of the Fairness Doctrine


The Fairness Doctrine emerged in the early years of television and radio broadcasting when the airwaves were a scarce public resource. The FCC established the policy to ensure that broadcasters, who were granted licenses to operate on these limited frequencies, served the public interest by providing balanced and fair coverage of controversial issues.


Key Provisions of the Fairness Doctrine


1. **Obligation to Cover Controversial Issues**: Broadcasters were required to devote airtime to discussing controversial issues of public importance.

2. **Balanced Presentation**: Broadcasters had to provide a reasonable opportunity for the presentation of contrasting viewpoints on these issues.

3. **Editorializing Rule**: Stations airing editorials had to notify individuals or groups who were attacked and offer them a chance to respond.


The Importance of the Fairness Doctrine


The Fairness Doctrine was instrumental in promoting a balanced media environment. It encouraged broadcasters to engage in public debate and ensured that diverse perspectives were heard, preventing any single viewpoint from monopolizing the discourse. This policy played a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the public airwaves and fostering a well-informed citizenry.


Promotion of Diverse Viewpoints


By mandating the presentation of contrasting views, the Fairness Doctrine helped ensure that the American public received a broad spectrum of information and opinions. This diversity was essential for a healthy democracy, allowing citizens to make informed decisions based on a variety of perspectives.


Accountability and Public Trust


The Doctrine also held broadcasters accountable for their content, reinforcing the idea that they had a responsibility to serve the public interest. This accountability helped build public trust in the media as a fair and balanced source of information.


The Elimination of the Fairness Doctrine


In 1987, the FCC, under the Reagan administration, abolished the Fairness Doctrine, arguing that it was no longer necessary due to the proliferation of media outlets and the advent of cable television. The decision was rooted in the belief that the marketplace of ideas would naturally ensure diverse viewpoints without the need for regulatory intervention.


Consequences of the Repeal


The elimination of the Fairness Doctrine has had significant and largely negative effects on the media landscape.


1. **Rise of Partisan Media**: Without the Fairness Doctrine, there has been a marked increase in partisan media outlets that cater to specific political ideologies. This has contributed to a more polarized and fragmented media environment.

2. **Echo Chambers**: The absence of a requirement to present opposing viewpoints has led to the creation of echo chambers, where audiences are exposed primarily to information that reinforces their existing beliefs.

3. **Erosion of Public Trust**: The lack of balanced coverage and the prevalence of biased reporting have eroded public trust in the media. Many people now view news outlets as partisan entities rather than impartial sources of information.


The Impact on Modern Media


The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine has undeniably reshaped the modern media landscape, often to its detriment.


Polarization and Misinformation


The rise of hyper-partisan media has fueled political polarization, making it harder for people to find common ground. Additionally, the lack of balanced coverage has contributed to the spread of misinformation, as media outlets are no longer obligated to present contrasting views that could challenge false or misleading narratives.


Decreased Civic Engagement


The fragmented media environment has also led to decreased civic engagement. With audiences siloed into ideological bubbles, there is less exposure to diverse viewpoints that can stimulate thoughtful discussion and debate. This isolation undermines the democratic process, as citizens are less likely to engage with those who hold different opinions.


The Fairness Doctrine was a vital policy that ensured broadcasters provided balanced and fair coverage of controversial issues, promoting a diverse and informed public discourse. Its elimination by the FCC in 1987 has had far-reaching negative consequences for the modern media landscape. The rise of partisan media, the creation of echo chambers, and the erosion of public trust in the media all highlight the importance of revisiting policies that promote fairness and balance in broadcasting. As we navigate the complexities of today’s media environment, the principles of the Fairness Doctrine remain relevant in fostering a well-informed and engaged citizenry.


Understanding the history and impact of the Fairness Doctrine is crucial in recognizing the challenges facing the modern media landscape and the need for policies that ensure a fair and balanced dissemination of information. The elimination of the Fairness Doctrine serves as a cautionary tale of the risks associated with unregulated media environments.

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WATCH: 1975 Church Comitee Hearings on the CIA Mockingbird Media




Church COmitee Hearings - CIA Mocking Bird Media

The Church Committee Hearings: Unveiling the CIA’s Presence in Mainstream Media

In the annals of American history, the Church Committee hearings stand as a pivotal moment of governmental introspection and public revelation. Established in 1975, the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, chaired by Senator Frank Church, embarked on a mission to investigate abuses by the intelligence agencies of the United States. Among the most startling revelations was the extent of the CIA’s involvement in mainstream media—a discovery that has since reshaped public perceptions of governmental transparency and media integrity.

The Genesis of the Church Committee

The Church Committee was born out of a growing public unease regarding governmental overreach and the abuse of power. This period, marked by the Watergate scandal and other political controversies, fueled demands for accountability and transparency. The Senate responded by forming the Church Committee to investigate the operations and potential misconduct of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other intelligence agencies.

The CIA and Mainstream Media: Operation Mockingbird

One of the most significant findings of the Church Committee was the existence of Operation Mockingbird, a covert CIA program aimed at influencing the media. Initiated during the early Cold War years, Operation Mockingbird involved the recruitment of journalists and media outlets to disseminate propaganda and promote the CIA’s interests.

Church Comitee Hearings Key Revelations

  1.  **Media Infiltration**: The CIA had infiltrated major news organizations, placing operatives within influential positions. This allowed the agency to control narratives and ensure favorable coverage of its activities.
  2. **Journalist Recruitment**: The CIA recruited prominent journalists from respected media outlets such as The New York Times, Time Magazine, and CBS News. These journalists, often unaware of each other’s involvement, were used to plant stories and gather intelligence.
  3. **Funding and Influence**: Through front organizations and secret funding, the CIA supported numerous media enterprises. This financial backing helped shape public opinion during crucial moments, such as the Vietnam War and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  4. **Propaganda and Disinformation**: The agency orchestrated the dissemination of disinformation to mislead both domestic and foreign audiences. This included false reports, biased analyses, and the suppression of unfavorable news.

The Impact on Public Trust

The Church Committee’s revelations had a profound impact on public trust in both the government and the media. The exposure of Operation Mockingbird eroded confidence in the integrity of journalism and underscored the need for greater oversight and accountability.

In response to the Committee’s findings, several reforms were implemented to curb intelligence agency overreach. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978 introduced measures to regulate surveillance activities, while the establishment of permanent intelligence oversight committees aimed to ensure ongoing scrutiny.

The legacy of the Church Committee endures as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked governmental power and the importance of a free and independent press. It serves as a reminder that vigilance and transparency are essential to safeguarding democratic values.

The Church Committee hearings remain a landmark in the history of American governance and journalism. The exposure of the CIA’s manipulation of mainstream media through Operation Mockingbird revealed a disturbing intersection of intelligence operations and public information. As we continue to navigate the complexities of media and governmental relationships, the lessons from the Church Committee underscore the enduring need for accountability, transparency, and the protection of democratic principles.

By shedding light on these historical events, we can better understand the ongoing challenges and responsibilities faced by both the government and the media in upholding the public’s trust and the values of a democratic society.

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