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Iran’s New ‘Reformist’ President Is Anything But Eli Lake



Masoud Pezeshkian at a final campaign rally on July 3, 2024, in Tehran, Iran. (Photo by Majid Saeedi via Getty Images)

If you saw the headlines in the Western press about Iran’s election over the weekend, you might have thought it had yielded a miracle: the country’s new president, Masoud Pezeshkian, is a “reformer.”

Spoiler alert. He is not. But it’s worth examining why so many media outlets, including The New York Times and NPR, have leapt at the chance to declare Pezeshkian a liberal.

On the campaign trail, Pezeshkian was critical of the morality police who enforce the regime’s policy requiring all women to cover their hair. The 69-year-old heart surgeon, who has served as health minister in Iran’s parliament, also expressed a desire to revive the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran, America, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. 

But these campaign promises mean nothing when you consider Iran’s president has little if any power inside the Islamic Republic. That belongs to the country’s ailing Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his Revolutionary Guard Corps, which directs proxy wars in the Middle East and has acquired banks, real estate, and businesses inside its own nation. 

“He is a garden-variety regime guy,” Mariam Memarsadeghi, the founder and director of the Cyrus Forum for Iran’s Future and a longtime Iranian democratic activist, told The Free Press. “There is nothing about his past to suggest that he is interested in anything other than complete subservience to the Supreme Leader.” 

Pezeshkian has spent most of his life in politics as a back bencher inside Iran’s parliament. In 1994, he lost his wife and son in a deadly car crash. He did not remarry and raised his daughters as a single dad, a rarity inside Iran. 

One sign of Pezeshkian’s subservience is how he describes his own political ideology. He says he is a “reformist principlist,” which refers to the principles of the 1979 Islamic revolution that give the Supreme Leader and a guardian council power to overturn initiatives from the legislature if they do not cohere with Islamic law.

In short, Pezeshkian has pledged loyalty to a Supreme Leader who has cracked down against demonstrators and consolidated power among Iran’s unelected Revolutionary Guard Corps. 

“Pezeshkian is a safe bet for Khamenei,” Alireza Nader, a former Iran analyst with the RAND Corporation, a private think tank that works closely with the U.S. military and intelligence agencies, told The Free Press. “He’s totally loyal to him and the Revolutionary Guards. He’s stated that he has no separate agenda from Khamenei and will pursue the regime’s policies, for example, fully supporting Hezbollah.” 

Ruel Marc Gerecht, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told The Free Press that Pezeshkian proved his loyalty to Khamenei in the aftermath of the death of Mahsa Amini, a Kurdish Iranian woman who was killed while being detained by the regime’s morality police for not wearing a mandated head covering. While Pezeshkian criticized the arrest, he also denounced the protests that followed Amini’s death. “This situation only benefits the hypocrites and enemies of the Iranian people, who seek to sow turmoil and unrest and widen the gap between the people and the government,” he said in 2022. 

“He stood with the Supreme Leader when it really mattered,” Gerecht said. 

The truth is that Iran’s reform movement has been dead for more than 20 years. It enjoyed a brief moment of influence in 1997 when Mohammad Khatami won the presidency with 69 percent of the vote. Khatami promised a series of real reforms in Iran, ranging from allowing newspapers to be critical of the regime and supporting a “dialogue of civilizations”—an ambitious diplomatic gambit meant to engage the West.

Khatami, though, was never allowed to implement the reforms he promised in his campaign. On July 9, 1999, Khatami was unable to stop the regime’s gunmen from entering Tehran University and beating and disappearing student activists who were a core part of his voting base. After the 1999 crackdown, the reformists themselves were targeted. By the end of his second term in 2005, Khatami largely retired from public life as the regime continued to go after his political allies. The 80-year-old remains in Iran but has lost the influence he once had. 

Iranians have learned the hard way that reform is not possible so long as the country’s unelected Supreme Leader remains in power. Given that only 50 percent—at most—of Iran’s eligible voters turned out for this month’s election, it’s doubtful they will trust a new “reformist” president who pledges his fidelity to their tyrant. 

Eli Lake is a Free Press columnist and host of The Re-Education podcast. Follow him on X (formerly Twitter) @EliLake. Read his last Free Press piece, “American Troops Know: Iran Is Already at War with Us.”

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Can Kamala Harris Beat Donald Trump? Eli Lake




“With Kamala leading a fresh-faced Democratic ticket, I would expect enthusiasm to return,” one Republican strategist told The Free Press. But “she has yet to demonstrate…she is a serious leader.” (Photo by Kent Nishimura via Getty Images)

It finally happened. On Sunday afternoon, at 1:46 p.m., President Joe Biden caved to the pressure from his own party and announced on X that he was bowing out of the reelection campaign he was losing. Then, 27 minutes later, at 2:13 p.m., he endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris, to run in his stead. 

In normal times, such an endorsement would be expected. But ever since Biden’s disastrous debate performance last month, longtime Democratic strategists, including James Carville, have floated the prospect of a blitz primary—sending a not-so-veiled message that Harris is not up to the job of beating Trump in November.  

Well, Team Biden is not hearing that. A few minutes after Biden endorsed his vice president, the president’s former chief of staff Ron Klain took to X to urge his party to get behind the former senator from California. “Now that the donors and electeds have pushed out the only candidate who has ever beaten Trump,” Klain wrote, “it’s time to end the political fantasy games and unite behind the only veteran of a national campaign—our outstanding @vp.” 

Soon after, former president Bill Clinton and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton endorsed Harris for president, along with Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro and California governor Gavin Newsom.

But as of press time, four of the country’s most prominent Democrats—former president Barack Obama, Representative Hakeem Jeffries, Representative Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Chuck Schumer—have yet to endorse Harris. Obama issued a statement Sunday praising Biden as “one of America’s most consequential presidents” that did not mention Harris once. Instead, he said, he had “extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

Twenty-eight days from the start of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Harris might be in the pole position, but she’s a long way from having it locked up.

The calls for an open convention haven’t abated. Vinod Khosla, the billionaire venture capitalist and donor to Democrats, tweeted that he wants an “open process at the convention and not a coronation.” And West Virginia senator Joe Manchin is reportedly considering rejoining the Democratic Party to challenge Harris for the nomination. However this plays out, it is going to be one of the most dramatic four weeks in any of our lifetimes.

Assuming that Kamala Harris does end up as the name at the top of the ticket, can she beat Trump in November? That’s the question on every Democrat’s mind.

She certainly stands a better chance than Biden, if only because she does not lose her balance on stairs. She may commit a few malapropisms and gaffes from time to time, but she hasn’t drifted into the scary, vacant pauses and incoherent ramblings that have afflicted the president. 

“The most obvious thing that a potential Kamala Harris nomination does is change the subject from the one anchor on the ticket—the age question,” Democratic pollster Fernand Amandi told The Free Press

What’s more, Harris shakes up a presidential race the Democrats were clearly losing; according to The New York Times, Biden was trailing Trump by six points among likely voters. Like introducing a new character in a poorly rated sitcom midseason, she could turn a dreary storyline into something exciting, getting voters to sit up.

“With Kamala leading a younger, fresh-faced Democratic ticket, I would expect enthusiasm to return to those disappointed ‘I’m anti-Trump, but Biden can’t do it’ voters,” Republican strategist Alex Castellanos told me.

The skeptics remain unconvinced that Harris is the best possible candidate. When The Free Press asked Khosla whether he had a preferred candidate, he said, “We need to win Michigan and Pennsylvania, so one of those governors would be a good choice to beat Trump,” referring to Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Governor Josh Shapiro—both of whom have been regularly touted as excellent candidates to replace Biden. In addition, Harris’ poll numbers against Trump have consistently been lower than Biden’s. (Polling data on Whitmer and Shapiro is so far insufficient.)

Simply because she’s been in the White House for the last three-and-a-half years, Harris enters the race with name recognition that no other potential Democratic candidate can touch. “Americans ultimately require some familiarity with the people they entrust with the future of humanity,” Castellanos said. “Totally untested, unknown politicians, out of the mainstream on economic, immigration, and safety issues, are the epitome of risk.”

On the other hand, Castellanos added, any initial bump in the polls Harris gets won’t last long if she can’t find a way to connect with voters in the coming weeks. Her past performance on the campaign trail doesn’t inspire confidence. The last time she ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, she flopped miserably. As Bill Maher said on his HBO chat show, Real Time, this month, “You can count the number of delegates she won in the 2020 primaries on one hand. . . as long as that hand has no fingers.” 

If Harris is to gain any momentum as a candidate now, she’ll need to tackle the following three critical issues head on:

She must avoid the taint of a cover-up. As vice president, she had regular one-hour lunches with Biden as they watched a slideshow of their public events over salads and sandwiches. Harris is going to face the same question that brought down Richard Nixon fifty years ago: What did she know, and when did she know it? How could she have been unaware of Biden’s mental and physical decline, especially in the last month? And then she will have to account for her own assurances that Biden was fit to run, such as her post-debate cleanup on MSNBC last month, where she conceded that Biden had a “slow start” to the debate—but then defended his performance. She also rebuked Special Counsel Robert Hur for his report portraying Biden as an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

“The way that the president’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated,” she said of Hur’s report. Now, Harris will have to find a way to walk back her comments at the same time that Trump will be sure to torment her for her past hypocrisies.

She must unify the party behind her. Harris will need to cajole the rising stars in her party to rubber-stamp her presidency rather than opting for an open convention. The last time the Democrats picked their candidate at the convention was 1968, also held in Chicago, when Hubert Humphrey was the nominee. That election ended with the Democrats in tatters and Richard Nixon on his way to the White House. Harris can make the argument that an open convention in 2024 could also be bitter and unpredictable—and put the party in an even worse position after the convention in late August, with less than three months before Election Day.

She must shore up Pennsylvania. With “Scranton Joe” off the ticket, winning the president’s birth state could be Harris’s biggest hurdle. In 2020, Biden beat Trump here by just one percentage point. In 2016, Trump took it from Hillary Clinton by the same margin. Now, the state’s 19 electoral votes are up for grabs and any slim advantage matters.

One big play Harris should consider: Naming Pennsylvania governor Shapiro as her running mate. One survey last week showed a potential Harris-Shapiro ticket beating Trump-Vance 47 to 46. Since that poll was taken, Shapiro’s standing has only risen, thanks to his compassionate remarks in the wake of an assassination attempt that failed to kill Trump but ended the life of Corey Comperatore, a firefighter who died shielding his family from the bullets. 

Assuming that Harris can gain voters’ trust, unify the party, and prove she can compete in Pennsylvania—once she has done all that—she still has a steep hill to climb. One of her biggest weaknesses is that she doesn’t seem to have any principles. Her stance on criminal justice reform is a key example. Is she soft or tough on crime? Looking at her record as a prosecutor, it’s nearly impossible to say. 

Back in 2004, when she was San Francisco’s district attorney, she supported a pilot program giving mentorship to nonviolent first offenders in lieu of jail time. She also declined to seek the death penalty for a man who killed a police officer, earning a rebuke from the late Senator Dianne Feinstein. 

But after she became California’s attorney general, Harris did an about-face. In 2014, she argued in favor of California’s right to issue the death penalty. By the time she ran for a Senate seat in 2016, she was referring to herself as the “top cop from the biggest state in the country.” 

Then came the riots that followed the killing of George Floyd in 2020—and another politically convenient flip-flop. Harris urged supporters on her Facebook page to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which posted bail for those arrested during the riots. In 2022, that fund helped release a repeat felon charged with murdering a passenger on a light-rail platform in St. Paul, Minnesota. 

Meanwhile, America has had almost four years to witness Harris as vice president, and her record is not good. She holds the dishonor of being in charge of the Biden administration’s border policy. Illegal border crossings at the end of 2023 hit an all-time high, and is now the signature issue of the Trump-Vance campaign. Harris was also the White House point person in 2022 on voting rights legislation—which failed to get out of Congress. 

She also suffers from an unpopularity problem, known for her bad habit of laughing at inappropriate times in a cringe-inducing cackle. “When I talk to voters, they all say she is hated, but then they pause and say, ‘I don’t really know why though,’” James Johnson, cofounder of the polling firm J.L. Partners, told me.

People who know her best also seem to consider her a terrible boss. In June 2021, White House staffers told Politico that people in the vice president’s office “are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment.” By early 2022, four of her most senior advisers had bolted for the exits, prompting The Washington Post to report that many of her critics and supporters “worry that her inability to keep and retain staff will hobble her future ambitions.” 

For now, despite all her many handicaps, Democrats are hopeful that Harris can unify the party and reset the race. She will most likely inherit Biden’s $96 million war chest, and Jon Vein, a Democratic donor who is close to Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff, told The Free Press, “Democrats will 100 percent support her. There’s of course a division on whether people think she should be anointed or whether there should be a mini primary to make sure we pick the best ticket, but people will support her without reservation once it’s confirmed she’s the candidate.”

Other observers are not so sure. Castellanos said that Harris still “has to prove something she has yet to demonstrate, that she is a serious leader.” He added, “The women who succeed as presidents and prime ministers have shown they are tough and strong because it’s a tough job and Kamala Harris has not done that yet. Margaret Thatcher didn’t cackle or giggle.”

Rupa Subramanya contributed reporting to this piece. Eli Lake is a Free Press columnist. Follow him on X @EliLake, and read his piece, “Trump Did Everything Wrong. So Why Did It Work?

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‘Kamala—She’s Worse Than Joe.’ Peter Savodnik




Over the course of the four-day RNC, speakers and delegates slammed the “Biden-Harris Administration” for inflation, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and skyrocketing overdose deaths due to fentanyl. (Photo by Justin Sullivan via Getty Images)

On Sunday afternoon—less than two hours after President Joe Biden announced he was bowing out of the race for reelection and also that he was endorsing Kamala Harris in his place—GOP vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance pounced.

“Joe Biden has been the worst President in my lifetime and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way,” Vance tweeted. “Over the last four years she co-signed Biden’s open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and groceries. She owns all of these failures, and she lied for nearly four years about Biden’s mental capacity—saddling the nation with a president who can’t do the job.”

For at least a week now, Republicans have been mobilizing for a showdown with the vice president. 

That was obvious to anyone who spent last week in Milwaukee at the Republican National Convention, where four in ten speakers attacked Harris by name and Republicans road tested their anti-Harris talking points. (The Washington Post helpfully devoted an entire article to noting who at the convention mispronounced Harris’s first name.)

On Tuesday night, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley addressed the nearly 18,000 delegates, office holders, guests, and journalists packed into the Fiserv Forum. Her presence elicited a mixed reaction, with a small core of Haley supporters cheering her on and a smattering of boos. (Haley had the audacity to challenge Trump in the Republican primaries.) 

But when it came to attacking Democrats, there were no dissenting voices.

“For more than a year, I said that a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for President Kamala Harris,” Haley said, prompting convention-goers to boo loudly. “After seeing the debate, everyone knows it’s true. If we have four more years of Biden, or a single day of Harris, our country will be badly worse off. For the sake of our nation, we have to go with Donald Trump.”

Most of the Republican attacks on the VP went like this: Biden made Harris the “border czar,” and she’s done an awful job of securing the border. 

“I hold Joe Biden, Kamala Harris—the border czar, what a joke—and Gavin Newsom and every Democrat who supports open borders responsible for the death of my son,” Anne Funder, whose 15-year-old son died of an accidental fentanyl overdose, declared at the convention Tuesday.

Her message was echoed by a slickly produced, Batman-style video that aired repeatedly over the course of the four-day convention, slamming the “Biden-Harris Administration” for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans killed by fentanyl.

“Joe Biden’s border czar Kamala Harris and a Democrat Senate have put the welfare of illegals ahead of our own citizens,” Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno said in a speech Tuesday evening.

The next night, Texas governor Greg Abbott took to the stage.

“When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refused to even come to Texas and to see the border crisis they created, I took the border to them,” Abbott said. “I began busing illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C.”

Later that evening, Peter Navarro, a former Trump administration official who spent four months in federal prison for not complying with the January 6, 2021, House investigation, told the crowd: “Joe and Kamala—they threw out the woke blue carpet across the Rio Grande.”

Also Wednesday, the Trump campaign announced that it would not agree to a vice presidential debate at least until the Democrats held their convention in mid-August—and selected their nominee.

“We don’t know who the Democrat nominee for vice president is going to be, so we can’t lock in a date before their convention,” Brian Hughes, the Trump campaign’s senior adviser, said. “To do so would be unfair to Gavin Newsom, J.B. Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, or whoever Kamala Harris picks as her running mate”—a nod to some of the other Democrats who have been talked up as potential presidential nominees.

Of course, Republicans aren’t going to limit themselves to the border when it comes to bashing Harris. They plan on attaching her name to every failure, real or perceived, of the Biden administration—starting with inflation.

Alabama senator Katie Britt blamed “Biden-Harris” for high grocery prices, high gas prices, high mortgage rates, and “skyrocketing” rent (part of the GOP’s stepped-up play for young voters who can’t afford a down payment).

Mike Pompeo, who served as Trump’s secretary of state, asked: “Forty-two months on, what have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris done?”

Then, he answered his own question: “Thirteen new Gold Star families from Afghanistan”—a reference to the 13 service members who died during the withdrawal.

Delegates got the message.

“Is it going to be Joe?” an Arizona delegate with a fake bandage over her ear, meant to signal solidarity with Donald Trump, who was still wearing a bandage following his near assassination, told me. “I don’t think so. I think she’s the runner-up. I think they’re getting ready to make her the nominee.”

“It’s like Nikki said,” another delegate, sitting next to her, chimed in. “We gotta be ready for whoever these crooks throw our way.”

Edward X. Thomas, an honorary delegate from New Jersey, told me he didn’t like Harris because of her environmental record. He thought climate change was “a hoax.” 

“Yeah, Kamala—she’s worse than Joe,” Thomas said.

Peter Savodnik is a writer for The Free Press. Follow him on X @petersavodnik, and read his piece “I Fear the GOP Is Heading Down the Rabbit Hole.”

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What. A. Week. Bari Weiss




Batya Ungar-Sargon at the RNC. (All photos courtesy of The Free Press)

What. A. Week.

One Free Press editor—a newsroom veteran who remembers JFK’s assassination—says that the events of the past few days are unlike any she has seen in her lifetime.

“Trump’s been shot.” Those were the words Nellie and I heard hours after she went into labor on Saturday. By that evening, we published a harrowing piece by Salena Zito, who was four feet away from the former president when the bullets ripped through the air.

In a normal time, that would have been enough news for a cycle. But we don’t live in normal times. And so it just kept coming: J.D. Vance! Hulk Hogan! Pelosi shivs Biden! Schumer joins in! Now he’s got Covid! Will it be Kamala? An open convention? 

We were there to witness it all. Seven Free Pressers flew to the RNC in Milwaukee to cover history as it unfolded in real time. 

Free Press reporter Olivia Reingold at the RNC.

Some highlights: 

We went live on X for the first time ever—and were blown away by the response. Hundreds of thousands of you tuned in on Monday night and Thursday night as we reported live from the convention. Our two livestreams, hosted by our tireless Michael Moynihan, convened two all-star panels, featuring everyone from Frank Luntz to Marianne Williamson to Tim Dillon. We spoke to Rep. Peter Meijer, Oren Cass, Batya Ungar-Sargon, and Abigail Shrier about the changing face of the GOP. And we interviewed Trump supporters on the ground, where the electric mood was undeniable. This was a breakthrough format for us—with a lineup you simply will not see on cable news—and we’re so excited to experiment with it going forward.

Gen Z goes red: Olivia Reingold profiled the Gen Z voters who are going MAGA—“It’s not notable to be anti-MAGA. It’s no longer cool to hate him, because it’s become safe to do that.” 

A Democrat’s dilemma: Mark Pincus, a Biden mega-donor called for an open convention to select a new Democratic candidate. 

Sam Dier and Michael Moynihan.

California parents cast aside: Abigail Shrier reported on the bill signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom that prohibits schools from proactively informing parents about their children’s gender transitions. 

The RNC’s dark underbelly: Peter Savodnik reported on the undercurrent of Alex Jones–like conspiratorial thinking at the convention.

And we helped make sense of things. Eli Lake explained how Trump did the opposite of everything GOP grandees recommended—and won. River Page—who, like J.D. Vance, comes from “white trash”—said, “I’m now supposed to believe that he’s the voice of the working class just because he claims to be? Well, I don’t. I just think he’s uppity.” Martin Gurri argued that Joe Biden’s collapse represents something bigger: the collapse of the current Democratic establishment. Niall Ferguson put Trump’s near assassination in historical context. Batya Ungar-Sargon told off the disloyal Democrats. And through it all, Olly Wiseman was there, helming The Front Page, which has become the essential morning newsletter.

Free Press senior editor Peter Savodnik.

It was also a banner week for Honestly. Salena Zito came on the show to talk about what she saw at the shooting. Yuval Levin made sense of the political brokenness that brought us to this moment. And finally, Michael Moynihan spoke to black voters in Milwaukee who explained why they are ditching the Dems. 

Oh, and somehow Nellie Bowles delivered not just a new baby but also a new TGIF

Behind the scenes.

Needless to say, we’re tired. Tired but also so proud of what we delivered this week and resting up (or trying to) this weekend ahead of whatever insanity Monday brings. We’re also preparing for August in Chicago: we expect this to be a DNC like none other.

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