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Hello, and Welcome to My TED Talk Bari Weiss



In January, I was announced as a 2024 TED speaker in Vancouver. Predictably, a small group of very loud people were angry—mostly on Twitter. Then, five TED fellows resigned. They wrote a letter to the head of TED, Chris Anderson, titled: “TED Fellows Refuse to Be Associated with Genocide Apologists.” They pleaded to disinvite me, plus a few others who had been asked to speak, and take us off the program.

A strange thing considering that TED is devoted to curiosity, reason, wonder, and the pursuit of knowledge, without an agenda: “We welcome all who seek a deeper understanding of the world and connection with others, and we invite everyone to engage with ideas and activate them in your community.” In the end, TED didn’t disinvite me. But I wondered if I should actually go.

For some people, being invited to TED probably is the most exciting thing in the world. And at one point I would have felt that way too. But I knew they were inviting me to be their token dissident voice, to prove that they are not a monolith. And on the one hand, I appreciated that effort. On the other hand, if I’m your representation for ideological diversity, if I’m your most radical speaker, then you’ve already lost.

In the end, I decided to speak. I felt like they were genuinely trying to right the ship, and shouldn’t I support that effort?

When I arrived, I was sequestered in a group with people like Bill Ackman, Avi Loeb, Andrew Yang, and Scott Galloway, and TED called our portion of the conference “The Provocateurs.” But as I looked around at my little group of five, something felt very obvious: none of us are all that provocative. Or at least we shouldn’t be. The biggest irony of all is that that was the very topic of my speech I came to Vancouver to give.

The talk is about how normal ideas and issues are often crowded out and overshadowed by boutique issues such as whether Bari Weiss should be allowed to speak at TED. It’s about how a few small voices end up adjudicating which voices are morally righteous and which ones are not. It’s about how common-sense positions became transgressive and polarizing overnight; how our ability to disagree is our freedom, and, most critically, why it’s so important to stand with conviction in our beliefs even when it means standing out in the cold.

Today, you’ll hear my talk, titled “Courage, the Most Important Virtue.” Afterward, you’ll hear a conversation I had with the head of TED, Chris Anderson, about victimhood, about how words are misinterpreted as violence, and about the paper-thin line between civilization and barbarism.

Thanks to the TED Talks Daily podcast for letting us share this episode of their show with Honestly listeners today. And if you want to hear more talks like mine, check out TED Talks Daily. Each day, the show brings you a new idea that will spark your curiosity and just might change the future, all in under 15 minutes. You can find TED Talks Daily wherever you get your podcasts.

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Things Worth Remembering: The Last Word on Vivien Leigh Douglas Murray




The legendary actors Vivien Leigh and Sir John Gielgud in 1959. (Photo by Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Welcome to Douglas Murray’s column Things Worth Remembering, in which he presents great speeches from famous orators we should commit to heart. To listen to Douglas read from John Gielgud’s homage to Vivien Leigh, scroll to the end of this piece.

Of all the forms of public speaking, there is only one that I actually dread: the eulogy. I have had to give a speech at the funeral of someone very close to me only on a few occasions. But I would rank each as among the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

I’m sure many readers have had to perform this task, and you will remember how, in the days or weeks before the eulogy is given, it consumes every moment of your thoughts. It seems impossible to do justice to the person’s life and say something that consoles the living while making sure you don’t break down into a big, slobbering, tearful mess.

To get through a eulogy you have to make sure you simultaneously show emotion without letting it overwhelm you. Many eulogists crack in the last sentence—think of Earl Spencer at the funeral of his sister, Princess Diana. You keep your grief in check, but when you see the end of the speech coming, for a moment you risk letting it all out.

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July 6, 2024 Heather Cox Richardson




Happy July 4 weekend, from my home to yours.

Going to sleep for a week. (A nice thought, but actually will be back at it tomorrow.)



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July 5, 2024 Heather Cox Richardson





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