
‘AIDS Fauci’ vs. ‘Covid Fauci’ Joe Nocera



In his new memoir, On Call, Anthony Fauci portrays himself as a hero—and he was. (Photo by Deanne Fitzmaurice/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)

In his new memoir, On Call, Anthony Fauci devotes tremendous energy and space to his role during the AIDS crisis—with good reason. Despite having spent, at that point, more than a decade as a government health bureaucrat, the 44-year-old scientist could see that the federal government wasn’t devoting enough resources to AIDS research, and that the hurdles required to get a new drug approved made little sense when so many young gay men were dying without access to drugs that just might help them stay alive.

Fauci successfully fought for more research dollars, and he also helped tear down those hurdles so that AIDS patients could try drugs even though they didn’t have the final stamp of approval from the Food and Drug Administration. He portrays himself as a hero in his book—and he was.

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