Big Brother

SpoilNet // The Scary Real Time Online Censorship Engine

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Are you tired of getting spoilers for your favorite TV shows and movies? You’re not alone. Many people go to great lengths to avoid spoilers, including blocking certain words and phrases on social media. But now, the University of San Diego California’s Artificial Intelligence research team has developed a tool that can automatically remove spoilers as they come through your devices.


The tool, called SpoilNet, uses a neural network to identify words, phrases, and cultural metaphors that pertain to a particular subject. It can then auto-censor spoilers before they happen, using an online knowledge base of words and phrases. The researchers used the open social network Goodreads to create an index of fine-grain accuracy, using over 1.3 million annotations from users sharing their thoughts and notes on the highlighted portions of books they read.

However, there are concerns about the potential misuse of this technology. While SpoilNet was created to improve the user experience, it could be repurposed by corporate security contractors or oppressive governments to censor content in real-time. This raises concerns about human rights abuses, where live videos of government abuse could be muted or “glitched out” in real-time to their audience.


It’s important to recognize that digital tools and algorithms can be used for both good and bad purposes. While SpoilNet has the potential to improve our online experience, we must also be aware of its potential for misuse.


Read more about SpoilNet on EurekAlert

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