Constitutional Anarchists Survival Guide

SHTF Apartment Survival Garden



The Ultimate Guide to Apartment Microfarming for Urban Preppers

In times of crisis, such as prolonged lockdowns or quarantines, it becomes crucial to have a reliable source of fresh vegetables and plants for essential nutrition and psychological well-being. While it is possible to survive on stored foods like beans, rice, and dehydrated foods, nothing beats the fresh produce for their essential nutrients and psychological boost. This guide aims to provide urban preppers with practical advice on creating an apartment microfarm, choosing the right plants, and ensuring their successful growth.

Essential Elements for an Apartment Survival Microfarm

Creating a successful apartment microfarm requires careful consideration of four essential elements: space, light, water, and air.


Assess the available growing spaces in your apartment, such as window sills, porches, counter spaces, vertical planning on walls and windows, and grow tents. Be creative and assess the amount of space, light, and air your grow spaces have to understand how you might need to supplement.


While a full sun balcony is ideal, it is not typically the setup of an urban apartment. Fortunately, LED grow lights have become more affordable and can supplement natural light. LED grow light strips can be installed under cabinets, and grow light bulbs can convert any old table lamp into your plant’s best friend. Long exposure to UV light can be dangerous, but typical small wattage bulbs are low heat and a very low dose of the UVC wavelength.


It is essential to water your plants properly without over-hydrating yourself. Plants can use water that is unfit for you to drink, so consider collecting rainwater or shower water for watering your plants. Also, be aware that plants in direct sunlight will need more water, and some plants will welcome a mister from time to time.


Plants breathe in carbon dioxide through the stomata cells in their leaves and release oxygen. Ensure your plants are getting enough oxygen by circulating air with a simple USB fan.

Recommended Plants for an Apartment Survival Microfarm

When choosing plants for your apartment microfarm, focus on nutritional density, medicinal properties, and psychological fortification. Here are some recommended plants:


Sprouts, such as alfalfa, mung bean, clover, or broccoli, are easy to grow and produce a high yield. They are nutrient-dense, with a balanced high protein and fiber profile, making them an excellent survival food.


Tomatoes are a good source of essential calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. There are many cultivars of tomatoes, so you are almost guaranteed to find one that will thrive in your apartment garden.


Chives are a nutrient-dense food, low in calories but high in beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are one of the best and easiest herbs to grow.


Parsley is easy to grow and has a high nutrient density, loaded with iron, vitamins A, C, and K. It can be harvested and dried for later use.


Scallions can be easily regrown from the bottom inch or two of store-bought green onions. They have a decent nutrient density and can be grown on your windowsill.


Garlic is easy to grow and has a good profile of amino acids, minerals, and nutrients. It also has strong antimicrobial properties.


Lettuce can be easily regrown from the bottom two inches of a romaine lettuce head. It has a decent amount of vitamin A and potassium.


Watercress is a bit more challenging to grow as it is an aquatic plant, but it has a high nutrient density score, making it a powerhouse of vitamins and nutrients.


Purslane is a leafy vegetable with a sour and salty taste. It is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and C.


Strawberries have a decent amount of vitamin C, manganese, and folate. They are easy to grow in a pot or flat and can provide needed sugars.


Beans, such as soybeans, green beans, lentils, and peas, are easy to grow and solid producers. They are a significant source of protein, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, and dietary minerals.

Tips for Pollinating Plants Indoors

Some plants need pollination to produce fruit. Since you probably don’t have a beehive in your house, you can use a small brush to transfer pollen from one flower to another.


Creating an apartment microfarm is a practical way for urban preppers to ensure a reliable source of fresh vegetables and plants during extended periods of lockdown or quarantine. By carefully considering the essential elements of space, light, water, and air, and choosing the right plants, you can create a successful apartment microfarm that will not only help you survive but thrive.

Additional Resources

For more tips and resources on urban prepping, indoor gardening, and emergency preparedness, check out the following articles:

Also, consider investing in essential products for your apartment microfarm:

Thanks to City Prepping for the Video to accompany this article

Remember, preparation is key to survival. Stay safe out there!

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