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Catherine Herridge: Protecting Sources Is a Hill Worth Dying On. Plus. . . Oliver Wiseman



Catherine Herridge interviewing Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf in 2020. (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

Why were charges dropped against the Columbia rioters? Will the crypto bros break for Trump? Is national service a good idea? And Nellie Bowles asks: are vapers no better than ‘little gerbils licking their water dispensers’? All that and more on today’s Front Page from The Free Press. 

But first, our lead story. Catherine Herridge is among America’s most accomplished investigative reporters. She’s also among the most principled. When a judge recently ordered Catherine to divulge information about her sources, she refused, even though she now faces potentially crippling fines of $800 per day. 

Writing for The Free Press today, Catherine explains why she refuses to back down—and lends her voice to the chorus calling on Congress to take action and pass legislation to protect a central principle of investigative journalism.

If confidential sources are not protected, investigative journalism will die. 

I know that sounds overly dramatic, and I know you’ve probably heard it a million times. But it’s true. I’ve been a TV correspondent for three networks—Fox, CBS, and ABC—across four decades. I’ve broken my share of stories about government wrongdoing, and I know for a fact that if I hadn’t been able to offer my sources a credible pledge of confidentiality, they never would have divulged information that was being kept from the public. Like the story I wrote in 2021, to take just one example, about how the Trump administration wrongly denied Purple Hearts to over 40 soldiers because President Trump didn’t want to acknowledge the severity of Iran’s ballistic missile attack on a U.S. base in Iraq. 

Any investigative reporter will tell you the same thing: forcing a journalist to disclose confidential sources will have a crippling effect on effective investigative journalism in this country. The First Amendment provides protections for the press because an informed electorate is essential for robust debate and a strong democracy. 

But what happens when you find yourself dragged into a lawsuit, ordered to divulge your sources, and held in contempt when you refuse?

That’s the situation I find myself in now. Yet I know just how important it is that I stand by my promise to keep my sources confidential—not just for me but for all journalists. 

Read on for more from Catherine Herridge on the fight for the future of investigative journalism and why she believes the PRESS Act is essential.

Perhaps you were affected by tobacco giant Philip Morris’s sudden suspension of online sales of their popular Zyn pouches after D.C.’s attorney general issued a subpoena citing a 2022 ban on the sale of flavored tobacco. Maybe you’re still clutching your Juul, or opting to go old school and take part in the cigarette-aissance, sucking down Marlboro reds.

Regardless of your preferred method, nicotine is having a moment

And the burning question we’re debating on Slack is what’s the best method of intake? The vape or the tried-and-true cig? One may be worse for your health, but is the other worse for your soul? Nellie Bowles and Michael Moynihan settle the score. 

Nellie says vapers are like “little gerbils licking their water dispensers.” Michael says vaping is like running with a backpack: it will never be cool. But it’s a small price to pay for functioning lungs.

This is a fun one. Continue reading and tell us: Team Cig? Or Team Vape?

“It’s too late to stop World War III.” That’s the conclusion of esteemed British historian Richard Overy. Okay, it’s actually just one part of his latest essay—which is, thankfully, a more nuanced but nonetheless very sobering read. (Telegraph

New polling commissioned by moderate Democrats suggests that Biden is too worried about appeasing progressives and should instead be highlighting popular, moderate policies. That means less talk of climate change, infrastructure, and Donald Trump’s personal shortcomings and greater focus on what Biden is doing to cut costs, cut government debt, and tackle the border crisis. One problem: Biden’s record in these areas isn’t great. (New York

As Democrats debate how to improve Biden’s standing in the polls, one unsettling theory: Biden’s biggest problem is. . . Biden. That, at least, is the obvious takeaway from the strong performance of Democrats not named Joe Biden in recent elections. (Politico)

Why did the Human Rights Campaign declare a “national state of emergency” for LGBT people last year? Why was the election of America’s first black president followed by the emergence of BLM? And why have reports of “hate groups” risen just as racial prejudice is receding? John Tierny argues the key to understanding so many so-called crises is the March of Dimes syndrome. (City Journal

Trump supporters aren’t the only ones alarmed by the case brought against him in New York. Listen to the former New York governor—and dyed-in-the-wool Democrat—Andrew Cuomo. On Real Time with Bill Maher Friday, Cuomo said: “If his name was not Donald Trump and if he wasn’t running for president. . . I’m telling you that case would’ve never been brought.” Cuomo added: “You want to talk about a threat to democracy, when you have this country believing you’re playing politics with the justice system, and you’re trying to put people in jail and convict them for political reasons, then you have a real problem.” (Real Time)

France will vote in the first round of parliamentary elections on June 30, and the polls suggest that Marine Le Pen’s National Rally has a large lead. One survey for TF1 and Le Figaro shows National Rally at 34 percent, left-wing bloc Popular Front at 29 percent, and Macron’s centrist group at 22 percent. (Reuters

The “greenlash” is here, argues Ruy Teixeira. It’s part of the reason European voters moved rightward in this month’s elections, which should be a cautionary tale for Democrats keen to tout Biden’s spending on green initiatives in the run-up to November. (The Liberal Patriot

Jamaal Bowman, the New York congressman and October 7 denier is expected to be rebuked by voters in a primary this week, and if a rally headlined by Bernie Sanders and AOC this weekend is anything to go by, he’s not taking the possibility of his political demise well. “We’re going to show fucking AIPAC the power of the motherfucking South Bronx,” he said, referring to the pro-Israel lobby group on Saturday. Another strange thing about Bowman’s rant: the South Bronx isn’t even in Bowman’s district. (Fox News

American tourists are driving European economic growth. Spain is Europe’s fastest-growing big economy and nearly three-quarters of the country’s recent growth is linked to tourism. I may be alone in this, but building a continent’s economy on Taylor Swift’s tour schedule seems risky. (Wall Street Journal

Speaking of Americans in Europe, in an effort to reduce emissions, the athletes’ village at the Paris Olympics will not have air conditioning. So the U.S. team is bringing its own. (AP)

→ Charges dropped against Columbia protesters. Custodian says, ‘It’s wrong’: Nearly all of the Columbia students who were arrested a little over a month ago for breaking into and occupying Hamilton Hall had their charges dismissed on Thursday afternoon by the Manhattan district attorney.

The Free Press was in the courtroom as more than seventy supporters of the protesters—students, faculty members, and others donning keffiyehs, masks, and custom-made “Hind’s Hall” crop tops—filed in.

“We were unable to establish that these defendants caused property damage or bodily harm,” Assistant District Attorney Stephen Millan told the judge before he moved to drop the charges against thirty Columbia students and faculty who were arrested and charged after violently taking over Hamilton Hall on the evening of April 30 with hammers and zip ties.

They each were facing at least one charge of criminal trespass—a misdemeanor punishable by up to three months in jail and a $500 fine. After less than thirty minutes inside the courtroom, they were walking out scot-free.

One person baffled by the decision was Lester Wilson, one of the janitors inside Hamilton Hall that night, who previously told The Free Press he thought he “could have been killed in there.” He called the prosecutor’s decision to dismiss the cases “wrong.” 

“If they got dismissed and no charges were being brought, I feel it’s wrong, I feel it’s wrong, I feel it’s wrong,” he said. “Somebody should be charged. Somebody should be held accountable. I’m not saying jail time, but not dismissed. You should be found guilty.” 

“We as the workers, y’all violated us,” he added. “Y’all really violated us, keeping us in that building, by taking over that building, you affected all our lives.”

Some fourteen additional protestors, who had no affiliation with Columbia at the time of arrest, also had a hearing for their charges on Thursday. James Carlson, a 41-year-old heir to millions who the NYPD previously called a “long-time anarchist,” was one of them. Carlson—who was captured in a now-viral photograph getting in a physical altercation with Columbia janitor Mario Torres the night of the break-in—was arrested alongside the student protestors on April 30. He was charged with criminal trespass, criminal mischief, and arson—the last charge stemming from an incident a week before, in which he allegedly lit an Israeli flag on fire. As the prosecutor discussed Carlson’s arson incident with the judge, the keffiyeh-clad crowd whispered and laughed, before being scolded to be quiet by a court officer. 

Carlson declined to take a plea deal of community service for his trespassing charge. The thirteen other people who weren’t affiliated with the university were also offered dismissals pending good behavior; they also refused. Earlier in the day, a coalition called Columbia University Apartheid Divest released a statement justifying their decision, claiming the deals were “the state’s attempts to divide the movement along the lines of ‘legitimate’ and ‘illegitimate’ protest.” Their cases may now move to trial. 

Mario Torres told The Free Press he was “upset” to hear about the lenient treatment of Carlson’s case and others, but did not want to comment further. 

Earlier this month, the prosecutor’s office also dismissed the cases of at least seven protestors who occupied a building at CUNY, some of whom faced felony charges of burglary and misdemeanor charges of obstructing government administration. 

In a press conference organized by protestors outside the courthouse, where just a few weeks ago former president Donald Trump was found guilty of thirty-four felony counts, one individual who identified himself as “Mickey Mouse” told reporters: “Just as we refuse to condemn the Palestinian resistance, we refuse to condemn direct action in the United States.” 

“We stand in full support of any and all efforts to liberate oppressed people everywhere, by any means necessary,” he added. —Jonas Du and Francesca Block

→ What are WaPo journalists really fighting over? Last week we brought you news of what we called the real scandal at The Washington Post: not the ongoing brouhaha over the paper’s British publisher Will Lewis, but the fact, as reported by The Washington Free Beacon, the paper’s international desk is stuffed full of journalists who once worked for the Qatari-funded broadcaster Al Jazeera. 

But it seems these two stories—the mutiny over changes Lewis wants to make to a paper hemorrhaging readers and money, and the consistent anti-Israel bias in the paper coverage of the war in Gaza—are really one. That’s the takeaway from a report by Puck’s Dylan Byers published Friday. 

The current unrest at the Post began with the ousting of editor Sally Buzbee. Byers reports there was friction between Buzbee and Lewis over the paper’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. “Lewis had expressed concerns over the tone of the paper’s coverage,” reports Byers. “Lewis had also questioned Buzbee’s apparent reluctance to investigate financing behind the pro-Palestinian protests on American college campuses. . . . At one point, Buzbee also revealed that her daughter was participating in the protests on her college campus.” 

So the Post’s publisher and editor were at odds with each other over the biggest international story the paper was covering. And then, right after Buzbee’s departure—again according to Byers’ reporting—a group of Post journalists “decided to take matters into their own hands” by investigating the past misdeeds of Lewis and his newly announced incoming editor, fellow Brit Rob Winnett. Crucially, according to Byers, this group of journalists wasn’t the paper’s media team—whose jobs involve trying to report fairly on their own bosses—but its foreign desk, led by international editor Doug Jehl and his deputy Jennifer Amur. In other words, the journalists responsible for the Post’s coverage of the war in the Middle East that has attracted so much criticism—including from Lewis. 

→ Jake Tapper’s daughter for president: In other D.C. media drama, a special shout-out to Jake Tapper’s kids. A group of anti-Israel protesters showed up at the CNN host’s home last week and rattled off an absurd list of complaints about the network’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. They brought bullhorns and called Tapper a “war criminal.” Tapper’s teenage daughter was home, and she responded by waving at the protesters and blasting ”The Star Spangled Banner.” Perhaps unsurprising for a girl who wrote this when she was 10.

→ Make crypto great again: Forty percent of American adults own cryptocurrencies. But, according to Tyler Winklevoss—a tech billionaire you may remember as the guy who says that he and his twin brother Cameron came up with the idea for Facebook—“the Biden Administration has openly declared war against crypto.” That is why the Winklevoss twins last week announced they are each donating 15.47 BTC—that’s $1,000,000 in U.S. dollars for those of you still in the Dark Ages—to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

The news comes on the heels of rumors that Trump himself, alongside his youngest son, 18-year-old Barron, is behind a new cryptocurrency: TrumpCoin (DJT). Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli claims that he is involved in the project.

Whether or not he is behind his own coin, Trump is courting the crypto vote more explicitly than ever before. Last week he held court with crypto mining executives at Mar-a-Lago. After the dinner he posted on Truth Social that “Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left” and “We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!”

Democrats are scrambling to catch up—and switch course—on crypto policy. Chuck Schumer, alongside dozens of other Democrats, is pushing to loosen Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations that penalize banks for holding cryptocurrencies, policies championed by Democratic politicians like Elizabeth Warren and SEC chairman Gary Gensler

Warren’s “anti-crypto army,” wrote Ryan Sean Adams, a crypto investor and entrepreneur, “could literally cost” the Democrats the upcoming presidential election, as crypto voters seek to protect their financial interests.

My two cents (or 0.00000031641121339191475 BTC): wait until a second-term Trump makes TrumpCoin legal tender. —Julia Steinberg

→ National service is just what my generation needs: Trump’s former acting secretary of defense, Christopher Miller, recently said he thought mandatory national service should be “strongly” considered. Trump, however, has forcefully denied that it was part of his second-term plan, claiming that he had “never even thought of that idea.” Looking at the state of my generation, though, I’d argue there’s never been a better time for national service, whoever wins in November. 

America is seeing a widespread decline in service among young people. In 2023, military recruitment hit a new low, falling 41,000 recruits short of its target across all branches, with the majority of America’s youth viewing the armed forces unfavorably. And in a 2019 report, University of Maryland researchers found “a significant gap between young adults’ historically high interest in helping others and actual volunteering among young adults.” In other words, young people are teeming with a desire to help others, but few of us actually do.

The cynic might say we’re just too lazy to act on all those good intentions. I’d say we just need a push in the right direction. 

And that’s where a national service program comes in. For many young people, this would mean training with the armed forces. For others, it would mean manning infrastructure projects; maintaining our national parks; supporting eldercare, education, or border patrol. In any case, the assignment would be the same: spend a year after high school collaborating with a diverse group of your peers on projects designed to make America better, stronger, and safer. 

The program could be mandatory or heavily incentivized—for instance, college scholarships could be issued and student loans forgiven only after a service requirement is fulfilled. But the aim would be for the program to become desirable in itself, even for the rich kids that don’t need scholarships. National service could be a place to learn real skills, a résumé boost for serious employers, and a badge of honor for kids of all backgrounds. In Norway, national service in the military is so prestigious that kids actually end up competing for spots.

Of course, America’s last military draft was deeply unpopular, but there have been plenty of successful and bipartisan service programs since then, including Bush’s USA Freedom Corps and Clinton’s AmeriCorps. And based on the limited polling out there, around half of Americans actually like the idea of national service. 

It’s easy to see why. It would not only be good for our country, but good for young people too, a balm for all the problems we’re tired of hearing about: loneliness, anxiety, polarization, and a distinct lack of patriotism. We’d appreciate America more if we stopped acting like tourists in our own country—enjoying what it has to offer without taking responsibility for its well-being. —Elias Wachtel

Sydney recommends the Etsy store Merci Mâché: The artist (my sister, who is also a full-time trial attorney, mom, and avid reader of The Free Press) makes unique little figurines, wall art, baby mobiles, and ornaments from papier-mâché. I’m not just saying this because she’s my sister—I think her work is magical. 

Mike recommends East-West, the 1966 album by The Paul Butterfield Blues Band. 

Readers, send us your recommendations! Email

Oliver Wiseman is a writer and editor for The Free Press. Follow him on X @ollywiseman

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July 4, 2024 Heather Cox Richardson





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TGIF: It’s Just My Brain Katie Herzog




US President Joe Biden (L) and US Vice President Kamala Harris hold hands and gesture as they watch the Independence Day fireworks display from the Truman Balcony of the White House in Washington, DC. (Mandel Ngan via Getty Images)

When Nellie asked me to fill in while she is off birthing a persons, I said yes but only on slow news weeks. She assured me that no news ever drops the first week of July and I’d be able to paste in a few of my favorite Mormon mommy TikTokers, write a sentence or two about Seattle’s annual Independence Day Flag Burning Parade, and then go soak my feet in the pool. She lied. It’s been a hell of a week, and Nellie said no takes backs, so I guess you’re stuck with me. Let’s go. 

→ Will he or won’t he? The New York Times reports that Biden told an ally that he is weighing whether to continue in the race. What they don’t say is that ally is actually the nice Bulgarian woman who helps him into the shower. Either way, last week’s disaster of a debate continues to roil the Democratic Party, which is now tasked with trying to figure out who is the least terrible candidate: a historically unpopular VP or the guy who starts sundowning around noon. Or maybe somebody else?

The Dems are in a tough position. Biden’s most trusted advisers (read: Hunter) want him to stay in the race, but everyone else is desperately trying to think of someone, anyone, who can win against Trump while also sparing the old man’s feelings. 

So far, most of the freakout is happening behind closed doors. Publicly, most Democrats are standing by their man—for now. Just three Dems in Congress have called on Biden to step aside. And, barring that chat with the ally, the president himself seems to be in full “I’m not quitting” mode. 

Not that he has done anything this week to demonstrate his fitness for office. While the president laid low, his press secretary said that it was really just a cold, plus maybe a bit of jet lag. White House aides told Axios that the president is “dependably engaged” from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In a meeting with concerned Democratic governors who flew in to check on the old guy at the top of the ballot, he said all he needs is to work less, sleep more, and be able to clock out after 8 p.m. In that same meeting, the president is reported to have said: “It’s just my brain.” This is supposed to reassure us? What’s even more troubling is that longtime friends of the Bidens told New York magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi that they were “shocked to find that the president did not remember their names.” Incoming statement from the White House: “Guys, it’s just face blindness.”  

I get it: Biden is a beloved elder statesman, and no one wants to hurt the old man’s feelings. So just do what they did at the retirement home when my grandpa had dementia: tell him whatever he wants to hear. Good news, Mr. President, you won the election! We’ll get Gorbachev on the line for you right after dinner. More ice cream? It’s chocolate chip. Seriously, this works. 

→ Or maybe it’s just the media? Nothing to see here, folks! Just when we thought the spell had been broken and most of the media was finally willing to report on what’s been happening before our very eyes, former Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, who is now advising the Biden campaign, claimed on MSNBC that the media is rigging this whole thing. In this case, the former mayor was referring to her hometown paper, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which published an editorial calling for Biden to exit stage left. 

“Let me just say I was very disappointed with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,” Bottoms told Chris Jansing. “As we have talked about making sure we’re protecting elections and making sure there’s no undue influence, this was undue influence by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, or an attempt to influence.”

As Jansing pointed out, it’s an editorial board. Attempting to influence elections is their literal job. Then again, Bottoms is a political operative. Spin is her literal job too. 

→ Speaking of spin: The New York Times executive editor Joe Kahn sent a note out to staff, congratulating everyone on their coverage of Biden’s age: “What I’ve seen and what our readers have experienced from our team is steadfast, fact-based reporting. . . . We have stayed on that story with every turn, always with nuance and context, through today’s outstanding report.”

See, now that a critical mass sees that Biden is plainly too old, we’ve shifted straight into revisionism. We’ve been telling you the truth the whole time. Except, in March, the Gray Lady was likening Biden’s age to just a new, later in life style—like Scorsese with The Irishman (s/o Jon Levine for re-upping this). And those videos of his many senior moments before the debate? Misleading! Bad faith! You aren’t watching an old man be old, they said. Those are deepfakes and cheapfakes

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, the Associated Press offered up 2024’s answer to “mostly peaceful” riots:

→ KHive, assemble: Personally, I vote Al Franken as Biden’s replacement. He’s smart, funny, Midwestern, and he loves women. But Vegas has Kamala as the probable Democratic nominee. And I guess that makes sense, given that she’s the vice president and all. “It’s her party now,” read the banner headline on Drudge this past Wednesday.

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July 4, 2024 Heather Cox Richardson




Monday, July 1, was a busy day. That morning the Supreme Court handed down a decision in Donald J. Trump v. United States that gives the president absolute immunity for committing crimes while engaging in official acts. On the same day, Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon began a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress at a low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. Before he began serving his sentence, he swore he would “be more powerful in prison than I am now.” 

“On July 2, Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, went onto Bannon’s webcast War Room to hearten Bannon’s right-wing followers after Bannon’s incarceration. Former representative Dave Brat (R-VA) was sitting in for Bannon and conducted the interview.  

“[W]e are going to win,” Roberts told them. “We’re in the process of taking this country back…. We ought to be really encouraged by what happened yesterday. And in spite of all of the injustice, which, of course, friends and audience of this show, of our friend Steve know, we are going to prevail.”

“That Supreme Court ruling yesterday on immunity is vital, and it’s vital for a lot of reasons,” Roberts said, adding that the nation needs a strong leader because “the radical left…has taken over our institutions.” “[W]e are in the process of the second American Revolution,” he said, “which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

Roberts took over the presidency of the Heritage Foundation in 2021, and he shifted it from a conservative think tank to an organization devoted to “institutionalizing Trumpism.” Central to that project for Roberts has been working to bring the policies of Hungary’s president Viktor Orbán, a close ally of Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, to the United States. 

In 2023, Roberts brought the Heritage Foundation into a formal partnership with Hungary’s Danube Institute, a think tank overseen by a foundation that is directly funded by the Hungarian government; as journalist Casey Michel reported, it is, “for all intents and purposes, a state-funded front for pushing pro-Orbán rhetoric.” The Danube Institute has given grants to far-right figures in the U.S., and, Michel noted in March, “we have no idea how much funding may be flowing directly from Orbán’s regime to the Heritage Foundation.” Roberts has called modern Hungary “not just a model for conservative statecraft but the model.”

Orbán has been open about his determination to overthrow the concept of western democracy and replace it with what he has, on different occasions, called “illiberal democracy” or “Christian democracy.” He wants to replace the multiculturalism at the heart of democracy with Christian culture, stop the immigration that he believes undermines Hungarian culture, and reject “adaptable family models” in favor of “the Christian family model.” He is moving Hungary away from the stabilizing international systems supported by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

No matter what he calls it, Orbán’s model is not democracy at all. As soon as he retook office in 2010, he began to establish control over the media, cracking down on those critical of his far-right political party, Fidesz, and rewarding those who toed the party line. In 2012 his supporters rewrote the country’s constitution to strengthen his hand, and extreme gerrymandering gave his party more power while changes to election rules benefited his campaigns. Increasingly, he used the power of the state to concentrate wealth among his cronies, and he reworked the country’s judicial system and civil service system to stack it with his loyalists, who attacked immigrants, women, and the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. While Hungary still holds elections, state control of the media and the apparatus of voting means that it is impossible for the people of Hungary to remove him from power.

Trump supporters have long admired Orbán’s nationalism and centering of Christianity, while the fact that Hungary continues to have elections enables them to pretend that the country remains a democracy.

The tight cooperation between Heritage and Orbán illuminates Project 2025, the blueprint for a new kind of government dictated by Trump or a Trump-like figure. In January 2024, Roberts told Lulu Garcia-Navarro of the New York Times that Project 2025 was designed to jump-start a right-wing takeover of the government. “[T]he Trump administration, with the best of intentions, simply got a slow start,” Roberts said. “And Heritage and our allies in Project 2025 believe that must never be repeated.”

Project 2025 stands on four principles that it says the country must embrace: the U.S. must “[r]estore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children”; “[d]ismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people”; “[d]efend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats”; and “[s]ecure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls ‘the Blessings of Liberty.’”

In almost 1,000 pages, the document explains what these policies mean for ordinary Americans. Restoring the family and protecting children means using “government power…to restore the American family.” That, the document says, means eliminating any words associated with sexual orientation or gender identity, gender, abortion, reproductive health, or reproductive rights from any government rule, regulation, or law. Any reference to transgenderism is “pornography” and must be banned. 

The overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that recognized the right to abortion must be gratefully celebrated, the document says, but the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision accomplishing that end “is just the beginning.” 

Dismantling the administrative state starts from the premise that “people are policy.” Frustrated because nonpartisan civil employees thwarted much of Trump’s agenda in his first term, the authors of Project 2025 call for firing much of the current government workforce—about 2 million people work for the U.S. government—and replacing it with loyalists who will carry out a right-wing president’s demands. 

The plan asserts “the existential need” for an authoritarian leader to dismantle the current government that regulates business, provides a social safety net, and protects civil rights. Instead of the government Americans have built since 1933, the plan says the national government must “decentralize and privatize as much as possible” and leave “the great majority of domestic activities to state, local, and private governance.”

It attacks “America’s largest corporations, its public institutions, and its popular culture,” for their embrace of international organizations like the United Nations and the European Union and for their willingness to work with other countries. It calls for abandoning all of those partnerships and alliances. 

Also on July 1, Orbán took over the rotating presidency of the European Union. He will be operating for six months in that position under a slogan taken from Trump and adapted to Europe: “Make Europe Great Again.” The day before taking that office, Orbán announced that his political party was forming a new alliance with far-right parties in Austria and the Czech Republic in order to launch a “new era of European politics.”

Tomorrow, Orbán will travel to Moscow to meet with Russian president Vladimir Putin. On July 2, Orbán met with Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv, where he urged Zelensky to accept a “ceasefire.” In the U.S., Trump’s team has suggested that, if reelected, Trump will call for an immediate ceasefire and will negotiate with Putin over how much of Ukraine Putin can keep while also rejecting Ukraine for NATO membership and scaling back U.S. commitment to NATO. 

“I would expect a very quick end to the conflict,” Kevin Roberts said. Putin says he supports Trump’s plan. 

Roberts’s “second American revolution,” which would destroy American democracy in an echo of a small-time dictator like Orbán and align our country with authoritarian leaders, seems a lot less patriotic than the first American Revolution. 

For my part, I will stand with the words written 248 years ago today, saying that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” 


The Bulwark
The Trumpists’ Dangerous ‘Peace’ Plan for Ukraine
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Khrystyna Bondarieva, “Putin on Trump’s proposal to quickly end war in Ukraine: Russia supports it,” Ukrainska Pravda, July 4, 2024.



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